Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Working so hard, yet not working at all

Today I woke up full speed, with a long list of to-do's, and didn't stop until dinner was done.  Now, I don't feel like moving.  I had a "group interview" at the local substituting company.  It was the worst hour I've had in a very long time, and I'm pretty sure there was another girl in the room who was thinking exactly what I was thinking (with the exception of the occassional "I hope Hamilton's doctor appointment is going well".)  I am a good teacher, and the frustration of not even receiving a phone call for an interview boiled over in the hour I sat there listening to the drill.  Even though I have a masters degree in education and many years experience in a classroom you are forcing me to pay you to spend a day in a room full of people with no educational training?  I think I'd rather practice reciting the daily specials for my next job as a waitress.  I'd make more anyway.  Why did I spend all that money on college?

So, anyway, after trying not to storm out of the room, I began checking things off of my list.  I did manage to make a few stops that weren't on the list.  Found a cute little thrift shop near my mother-in-laws house.  Didn't get the two things I had my eye on because it was cash only.  They would definitely be quick, easy, and awesome projects.  Maybe I will go back tomorrow.  Also stopped at the Goodwill and got a brand new, in the box, office chair (much needed, since I don't have anything now) for thirty dollars (whoo hoo).

After getting the hubbys car fixed, taking it to get registered, and stopping at Lowe's to grab lamp parts for a project (stay tuned), I went to pick up the pooch and fell in love with Charlotte, the three month old kitten up for adoption at the vet.  I may go back tomorrow ;-)  If we didn't have a 120 pound Rhodesian Ridgeback, we would be currently showing Charlotte her new home.  The vet tech even took her out to see how her and Hamilton got along.  It was adorable until Charlotte realized that Hamilton was a giant and clawed her way up the techs arms.  Ugh, she was so cute!

Since Hamilton and I got home, he's been sleeping off the anxiety of being at the vet all day, while I have been applying for every job under the sun that I can find, even the ones I am not qualified for.  Here is a question that I am sure many people in my situation ask:  how do I get the experience that this job is requiring without getting hired?  Maybe my blog will take off, I will become famous, people will start buying my pictures, and I can get by with odd jobs for the next few month.  Or, maybe even better, collecting all those Acme game pieces will result in me winning the grand prize.  I don't think I should hold my breath for that one.

Until tomorrow, my friends.

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