Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Off to the Races

I know I haven't written in a few days.  The internet at the hotel was not exactly functioning.  Getting together with family is always an interesting combination of emotions that I am sure everyone experiences.  I love my family, but why is the process of getting everyone together so stressful to me?  I get anxiety every time, as any of my bridal party, and especially my husband witnessed on our wedding day.  I do wish my family didn't live in so many different states, because family gatherings seem so high pressure when they don't happen very often. 

After spending a few short days in Kentucky, most of the time spent with my absurdly crafty aunt, I came home with a laundry list of ideas for our still rather new house.  There are so many things I'd love to try, my poor husband is probably going to be sick of me before our one year anniversary.  I really would like if he would want to try some of these projects with me, but ce la vie.  As I go through the list of projects, I will be sure to let you all know what I attempted and if I was successful.

On another note, Grandpa's 90th birthday turned out great, and it was awesome to have the family together.  I hope we can get everyone together more often.  Yesterday, we spent the whole day in the car, which I guess is an upgrade for my mom.  It was the first birthday in three years that she didn't spend in the hospital!  (Yay mommy!)

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