Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pardon my absence...

I know I have been gone for a little longer than usual.  Things have been kinda crazy for this unemployed girl.  My number one priority is... ok, I guess I can't pick just one "top" priority.  I have been driving back and forth to Delaware quit a bit in the past two weeks to see my family and help out where I am needed.

When I am not driving, I have been couponing and working on the house.  I have done a few small projects since my last blog, emphasis on the small.  One project was that I finally hung the towel rack in the bathroom.  I know, wahoo, a towel rack.  But, our bathroom walls are tiled, so the thought of drilling into into the wall terrified me. However, I sucked it up and fortunately did not crack the tile.

Major successes I have had this week was with couponing.  I am not yet good enough to classify myself an extreme couponer, but I am excited by the possibilities.  I have been sharing my savings with the hubby and I told him that I was not going to be an "extreme" couponer to avoid stock piling.  Then he said the words "you can stock pile, as long as it can be kept in the basement".  Oh my, it was like getting a free ticket to an amusement park.  Wonder what he will do if I start finding out I can get things like diapers for pennies.  Do I stock pile them for sometime in the future?  Those freaking things are expensive!  Note to anyone who reading this:  if you ever find coupons that you are not using, please send them my way.  Many deals require multiple coupons and vendors put print limits on the computer versions.  I think this has been holding me back.

The hubby is working a double today and tomorrow, so I am going to try and get a lot of work done around the house, possibly attempt a free shopping trip (which would make me an extreme couponer!) and apply to as many jobs as I can find.  This whole job thing is so discouraging.  I have been applying to absolutely everything I can find that doesn't require a degree I don't have.  I am crossing my fingers something pans out before I lose my mind. 

Oh, new topic since my last post: running.  I hate it.  However, I am going to be running a 5k on Thanksgiving Day (I am a poet).  Now I have to run so I don't embarrase myself.  Only problem I can't seem to tackle is that, no matter what, I lose my breath halfway through the second mile.  I'm gonna have to figure that out pretty soon. 

Ok, well I have run out of topics for day.  I will try to post more later in the week.  Hopefully something more interesting, too.

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