Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Motivate Me....

I am desperately in need of a routine.  Preparing for my wedding, I had a daily work schedule, kept everything in order, and made a time for working out.  I planned my meals ahead, and seeing the improvement in my eating, and in my appearance was so motivating.  In preparation for my wedding, I lost 65 pounds... the weight of a third grader. 

Then I got married. I've heard about what happens when you "get comfortable", but eekk!

What happened!? We kicked off our marriage with a honeymoon on a floating buffet, which I am sure didn't help.  Finding healthy foods on a cruise ship is not that easy.  You need to mentally prepare yourself before boarding, which I guess I did not do.  My mentality was more along the lines of "yippie, let's celebrate!". 

Now I have been married a mear two and a half months and I am already on my way back up the scale.  The hubby and I have been saying for weeks that we need to get back on track, but we don't seem to be following through.  I have days when I think "I am going to be good and get back into the routine", but then the fact that I don't have a daily routine to plan my meals around, really works against me.  Instead of eating meals, I find myself snacking throughout the day... and not on fruit. 

Before I am back where I started I need to get moving.  That being said, I am going to register for a 5k and set my alarm for Weight Watchers meetings.  So, in addition to my house projects, I will now keep you all in the loop as to my personal couch to 5k and great healthy recipes I come across. 



1 comment:

  1. Amanda buddy!!! Hi it's the ATR intern formerly known as Sarah Wagner..... came over from facebook!

    UMM is motivation not the most difficult thing to find ever?!?! Ugh! When you crack the code let me know : ) : )
